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Chinese Dragon Tatoo Design Girl

The Chinese are peaceful and industrious people. But apart from the humble, respectful Chinese also their tradition. One of the things they have in common is the dragon. As described in Chinese mythology, dragons are mythical creatures look with serpentine and four legs. So far, Dragon models not only for the Chinese are perceived, but also lovers of tattoo. Chinese Dragon Tattoo were a part of the tattoo industry since. And most people years of increasingly likely to use this model.
Chinese Tattoo Dragoon is different from the Western and Japanese dragon design. These colorful creatures are usually seen in Chinese emblems. If Japanese red dragon, green dragon tattoo Chinese are the most popular models. The design is very oriental and detailed compared to other designs of dragon. Western people believed that wild animals dragons symbolizing strength and destruction. Chinese has a different faith. Because they believed that a dragon that bring happiness and wealth are to be done.
If you are a fan of tattoos, Chinese dragon may be the best option that you have. The good thing with these models is that they are strong enough to express your fashion retail. In fact, you can adjust their body type, and create your own design. Here are some simple steps, you draw your favorite Chinese dragon tattoo.
Begin with the first face
To launch your kite, pull the first side. There are several guides to help you, the perfect face for your dragon can. Then pull your almonds for a Dragon's Eye. As you wish, you can also find more information about your dragon attractive.
Agency created
As described by the Chinese myth, dragons serpentine look. So, to create his body, draw a single line that wound is a bottom. Then create another injury as dependent on the desired width.
After creating the organization, it is time to create the wings. Draw a line from the back of the dragon. The line should curve like an umbrella for creating a wing shape. Then, the draw the second line as a second sheet. Complete the application, the details of the first wing, and he repeated on the second wing.
Arms, legs and tail
When creating weapons, make sure you create two lines with the elbow. The same thing with his legs, he must form a semicircle with claws at the end. Finally, your detailed kite, you should put a tail. Draw a triangle on the top line of the body. Make a whirlwind Loopy as if the dragon is its tail whipped.
Tattoo Chinese dragon does not stop them. As you wish, you can throw on the finish. Make sure to wipe the bright colors and lines to make it more attractive.
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